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Obituaries occupy most of Minnesota’s most read local newspaper

  18 Novembre      18        Médias (2829),


WASHINGTON, Nov. 18, (Xinhua/) – A video showing obituaries taking up two thirds of Minnesota’s most read local newspaper, StarTribune’s pages went viral on the internet.

In the video, StarTribune carried 10.5 pages of obituaries, which followed only 4.5 pages of hard news. Most of the deceased died of COVID-19.

Bonnie Bagley responded under the video, saying « Thank you for posting this. Devastating. And yet people still think this a hoax. »

A fresh wave of COVID-19 infections in Minnesota is sending record numbers of patients to the hospital. Minnesota has tallied over 237,000 COVID-19 cases and 2,999 deaths from the virus.

With the Thanksgiving holiday approaching and the COVID-19 crisis escalating, families and medical experts are debating the merits of different strategies – including testing, isolation and abstaining from gatherings – to make Thanksgiving and other upcoming holidays safer.

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