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PP acknowledges that the Government did “something” to mitigate the crisis but could go further

  30 Mars      77        Politique (25357),


Praia, Mar 30 (Inforpress) – The leader of the People’s Party (PP) acknowledged on Tuesday that the Government did “something” to mitigate the crisis in Cabo Verde, but could take some tax measures, “reducing certain taxes, including VAT on essential goods”.
“The essential goods, which are often burdened with VAT [Value Added Tax], we think that the reduction of VAT would be a beneficial measure,” said Amândio Barbosa Vicente, for whom VAT on fuels should be reduced, citing Portugal as an example in this regard.
For the president of the People’s Party, in an interview with Inforpress, the increase in the price of fuels is “synonymous with more revenue entering the public coffers” and, on the other hand, means “more difficulty for people”.
“We have a Government that is against what was necessary to be done, since the time of the health crisis,” he said, pointing out that Cabo Verde has a “big Government,” that is, an executive with “too many Ministers and Secretaries of State.”

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