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UN adopts resolution calling for « intensified » international co-operation against COVID-19

  3 Avril      52        Coopération (2235), Santé (15358),



UNITED NATIONS, April 3, (Xinhua/GNA) — The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has adopted a resolution on COVID-19, calling for « intensified » international cooperation to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Resolution 74/270 states that the 193-member UNGA notes « with great concern » the threat to human health, safety and well-being caused by COVID-19, which continues to spread globally.

It says the UNGA recognizes the « unprecedented » effects of the pandemic, including the severe disruption to societies and economies, as well as to global travel and commerce, and the devastating impact on the livelihood of people.

The UNGA also recognizes that the pandemic requires a « global response » based on unity, solidarity and renewed multilateral cooperation, it said.

The resolution therefore calls for « intensified international cooperation to contain, mitigate and defeat the pandemic, including by exchanging information, scientific knowledge and best practices and by applying the relevant guidelines recommended by the World Health Organization. »

It calls upon the UN system, under the leadership of the secretary-general, to work with all relevant actors to mobilize a coordinated global response to the pandemic and its adverse social, economic and financial impact on all societies.

The resolution is the first to be adopted by the UNGA on the pandemic that is sweeping the world and causing great global concern. It was adopted under a silence procedure, as the UNGA is not holding meetings due to the pandemic.

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