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Guinea-Bissau: Ulisses Correia e Silva hopes that democratic constitutional normality will be consolidated

  6 Décembre      66        Politique (26909), Securité (3253),


Praia City, 06 Dec (Inforpress) – The Prime Minister said today that he hopes that the situation in Guinea-Bissau will stabilize and that democratic constitutional normality will gain “increasingly solid” structures.
Ulisses Correia e Silva made these statements to the press, on the sidelines of the opening ceremony of the 39th meeting of the Food Crisis Prevention Network (RPCA), held this morning on the Campus of the University of Cabo Verde (Uni-CV).
Asked to comment on the current situation in Guinea Bissau, the official highlighted that the situation of constitutional instability or situations of alleged attacks that could create instability in the countries are always reasons for concern.
“Guinea-Bissau is a country with which Cabo Verde has very close links, when it enters areas of instability, of course it also affects Cabo Verde, because we are very close, we have relations of history, culture and we are brothers”, he highlighted.

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