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Legislative Caucus Approves Resolution To Implement Several Projects in Bomi.

  26 Avril      41        Politique (25319),


By Shadrach D. Brown, Western Region Correspondent

TUBMANBURG, April 24 (LINA) – Bomi County has for the first time conducted it County Sitting under the CDC-led government.

Singing the resolution were Bomi County Senators, Edwin Snowe, Morris Satumah and district three Representative Hajai Fata Siryou.

The Bomi lawmakers’ action came in line with the budget law that gives the right to lawmakers of every County to approve a County Sitting Resolution before local County authority can have access to withdraw funds from the county accounts for development purposes.

The signing of the just-ended County sitting resolution was backed by signatures of delegates from the five administrative districts in Bomi County.

Also Speaking after the signing of the resolution was Bomi County Superintendent Adama Robinson who said due to the lack of funds been giving to the county it was unable to conduct a well-organized County Sitting.

Superintendent Robinson said the action of the county conducting County Sitting was in line with the budget law of Liberia.

He maintained that when the CDC government took state power, no county in Liberia received funds from national government for County development across the country.


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