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NDI ready to contribute to President Felix Tshisekedi’s efforts in advancing democracy in DRC

  25 Mars      35        Politique (25313),


Kinshasa, March 25th, 2021 (CPA) – The Resident Director of the National Democratic Institute (NDI), Dany K. Ayida, discussed on Monday, with the high representative and special envoy of the Head of State, Kitenge Yesu, on the contribution of its organization to the efforts that the Democratic Republic of Congo is deploying within the framework of the advancement of democracy in DRC under the leadership of the President of the Republic, Felix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo.
NDI is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that works to support and strengthen democratic institutions around the world through citizen participation, openness and accountability in government.
Since its inception in 1983, NDI has worked with local partners in 132 countries and territories around the world.
NDI has supported the advancement of democracy almost everywhere in the world by monitoring elections, training political leaders, supporting civic engagement, advancing women and supporting democratic institutions.
This NGO also works to overcome the next challenges to democracy including poverty, corruption and disease by helping to create stronger links between citizens, political institutions and elected officials, and by strengthening the capacity of political parties and parliaments to meet these challenges.
One of the goals of democracy promotion is to encourage indigenous democratic forces to gain confidence and strength.
Membership of the Sacred Union of the Nation of provincial elected of Grand Bandundu and Lualaba
The provincial elected of Grand Bandundu and Luluaba, grouped together in caucus, and signed their membership in the Sacred Union of the Nation on Monday, March 22nd, with the high representative and special envoy of the Head of State, Kitenge Yesu.
They announced their membership in front of the media professionals present at the meeting.
For these elected, it was high time to align themselves behind the will of the Head of State, Felix Tshisekedi, in order to contribute to the success of his mandate.

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