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Pres. Weah Enters Sinoe To Epic Welcome, Breaking Grounds, Dedicating Projects

  10 Mai      12        Politique (25353),


GREENVILLE. May 8 (LINA) – The President, Dr. George Manneh Weah, entered Sinoe County on May 7, and began dedicating and breaking grounds for more development projects as he continues his nationwide tours to that part of the country.

Following what many describe as his ‘triumphant entry’ into Sinoe County, President Weah dedicated Crayton O. Duncan High School in Togbaville, Sanquine Statutory District and a Sinoe County Vocational Training School in Butaw built by Senator Augustine Chea.

On the same day, the President broke grounds for the construction of milestone projects in Murrayville, Sinoe County, including a referral hospital and prison which would include correction facilities.

On May 8, 2021, Dr. Weah also dedicated a town hall in Unification City, Tarjuowon Statutory District built by Senator J. Milton Teahjay.

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