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US Embassy Clarifies Role In NEC’s Biometric Card Issue

  13 Septembre      46        Politique (25364), Technologie (1038),


MONROVIA, Sept. 12 ( LINA) – The U.S. Embassy near Monrovia Sys it has seen the reporting on the National Elections Commission (NEC) Biometric Voter Registration (VR) System and would like to correct the record.

It said at no point in time did the Embassy send the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Liberia an official Diplomatic Note, or any other communication, with the request to acquire a sample or specimen of the 2023 national voter registration card.

“We understand that no decision has yet been made on awarding a contract for the biometric system, but that the process is ongoing and, according to the press, the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission (PPCC) is examining potential contracts.

“We urge the PPCC to fulfill its mandate of ensuring integrity and transparency in the procurement process so that the Liberian public gets full value for money in the use of public funds,” the US Embassy release said.

It noted that “The United States and Liberia share democratic values, including the commitment to free, fair, and transparent elections.”

.”Our Mission,” it said, “works closely with partners in the government and in civil society focusing on next year’s important national elections and we emphasize the necessity of non-violence and transparency in democratic societies.”

The release continued “We remind our international and local partners of the importance of data security, especially regarding sensitive Liberian voter data.”

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