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Indian Gov’t Donates 5 Fire Trucks To Liberia

By Dudu M. Kamara & Diedre S. Tarwo

MONROVIA Jan. 17 (LINA) – The government of India has donated five fire trucks to the Liberia government for use by the Liberia National Fire Service (LNFS).

Speaking at Ministry of Information regular press conference in Monrovia on Thursday, LNFS Director Alex Dixon said the donation was made possible through the office of President George Manneh Weah.

Dixon applauded President Weah for the effort made in acquiring the donation and as well thanked the Indian government for the fire engines.

He decried the poor state, lack of logistics and other essential equipment at the LNFS, a situation the institution has suffered for years, making it unable to rapidly respond to several fire outbreaks in Monrovia and other parts of the country.

Dixon said since 1948 it is the first time in the history of Liberia for the LNFS to have six fire trucks within two years, including the five from India, adding that these trucks will help save lives and property.

According to Dixon, in 2018 there were 200 fire cases while a total of 100 fire outbreaks were recorded in 2019 as well as the destruction of lives and property.

“It has caught the attention of the LNFS that more Liberians do not respect it as the first responder, not knowing that the LNFS started operating with a single truck,” Dixon indicated.

He observed that the LNFS is coming up with a robust inspection, so that every home can have fire extinguisher.

Recently, the Government of India also turned over 45 new buses to the government of Liberia to be used by the National Transit Authority as part of efforts to boost the country’s public transport sector and ease the travel burden of thousands of Liberians.