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Brava: City Hall starts operation this week to capture stray dogs on the island

Praia, Aug 13(Inforpress) – The Councilor responsible for the Sanitation area, Domingas Coelho, said that the City Hall, in partnership with some island’s livestock farmers, will start an operation this week to capture stray dogs have caused several disorders and losses.

Speaking to Inforpress, the official stressed that they had already given notice in all communities, having been posted notice in some strategic locations in each community, in addition to notices that are being broadcast with a sound car.

Domingas Coelho emphasized that “all people already know that all dogs must be at home and tied up”.

After the notices started, she pointed out that some people who had not joined the dog registration campaign have already sought the services for this, but she reinforced that the information they have been passing on is that even if the dogs are registered, if they are caught without no identification or leash are considered “wild dogs”.

She added that the materials are practically all prepared and are counting on the support of a group of livestock farmers who have already shown themselves available to support the capture. In fact, she stressed that it was a class claim, taking into account the high losses caused by stray dogs have decimated their cattle.