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Payment system: 2019 report reconfirms growing use of the card as a preferred instrument – BCV

  16 Octobre      34        Société (45213),


Praia, Oct 16 (Inforpress) – Banco de Cabo Verde (BCV) reconfirms the increasing use of the card as a preferred payment instrument in Cabo Verde, with the total number of transactions standing at 88.6% (percent).
According to the 2019 Payment System Report released by BCV, the card has again become, in Cabo Verde, the main payment instrument, highlighting transactions carried out in Automatic Payment Terminals (TPA) as the “most sought”.
“Card transactions represent 88.6% of the total transactions carried out with payment instruments in the country”, cited the BCV, stressing that internet banking continues to be a growing service channel, registering an increase of 82% compared to 2018.
“With the card, 103.673.8 million escudos were handled on the Vinti4 ATM, totaling 27.025.750 payment transactions carried out in 2019, which corresponds to 88.6% of transactions carried out with payment instruments”, said the same source.

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