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Medical expert urges early treatment of deep vein thrombosis

  10 Janvier      56        Science (577),


Abuja , Jan. 10, 2019 (NAN) Dr Osato Agbonlahor, the Chief Medical Director (CMD), Living Right Hospital, Benin, South-South Nigeria has advised Nigerians with cases of deep vein thrombosis to seek early treatment to avoid complications.

Agbonlahor gave the advice in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Benin on Thursday.

He defined deep vein thrombosis as a blood clot in a deep vein, usually in the legs.

« Deep vein thrombosis can cause leg pain or swelling, but also can occur with no symptoms.

« It can develop if you have certain medical conditions that affect how your blood clots.

« It can also happen if you do not move for a long time, such as after surgery or an accident, or when you are confined to bed.

« Deep vein thrombosis can be very serious because blood clots in your veins can break loose, travel through your bloodstream and lodge in your lungs, blocking blood flow (pulmonary embolism).

« This is a very serious sickness that many people do not know about, » Agbonlahor said.

According to him, relieving the pain and pressure of deep vein thrombosis may involve changing of sitting position and more exercise.

The physician said the symptoms of deep vein thrombosis includes swelling in the affected leg, pain in your leg, red or discoloured skin on the leg and feeling of warmth in the affected leg.

Agbonlahor said the causes of deep vein thrombosis were anything that prevents your blood from circulating or clotting normally, such as injury to a vein, surgery, certain medications and limited movement.

He said that victims could avoid complications with the application of appropriate medical care on the affected leg.

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