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Let’s go back to the roots of Christianity

  19 Avril      36        Société (45195),


By Ebenezer Sowah, GNA
Accra, April 19, GNA- Very Reverend Philip Tsatsu Norgbodzi, Superintendent Minister, Methodist Church, Ho Circuit, has asked Christians to use the Easter festivities to go back to the roots of Christianity.
He said they should see Christianity as a way of life and not a church going ritual.
Rev. Norgbodzi who was preaching at Good Friday Eve Church Service said Christians ought to always remember sufferings of Christ on the cross and mend their ways and not seen Christianity as a church going routine.
He asked the church to reach out to the youth this Easter, especially celebrities and make them appreciate sacrifices of Christ for them.
Rev. Norgbodzi said that was the only way to make the youth disciples of the word to win more souls for the Kingdom.
He said the season called for sober reflection, obedience and selflessness and asked Christians to let the world experience the love of Christ.


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