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World Day of Freedom of Thought: Jacinto Estrela considers that Cabo Verde is in a phase of evolution

  16 Juillet      19        Société (45204),


Praia, Jul 16 (Inforpress) – The sociologist Jacinto Estrela considers that Cabo Verde is in an evolutionary phase regarding freedom of thought, considering that society is free to think, but does not believe that it freely expresses its opinion.
Jacinto Estrela was speaking to Inforpress about the World Day of Freedom of Thought celebrated this Sunday.
According to Jacinto Estrela, as far as freedom of thought is concerned, Cabo Verde is in an evolution like other societies.
“We are in the 21st century, but we have 44 years of independence and we did not always have the freedom to express our thoughts. One might think, but it was repressed or commented in small groups and before that, in the colonial phase it was worse because it could not be trusted,” said the sociologist.
But despite recognizing the stage of evolution in Cabo Verdean society, Jacinto Estrela stressed that there are people who have a thought conditioned by several factors. These factors, he explained, may be of the person himself, may be related to the sense of belonging of a group, may also be economic, social and political.

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