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Fourth edition of the National Advertising Prize “with record” of applications

  6 Février      37        Médias (2846),


Praia, Feb 06 (Inforpress) – The fourth edition of the National Advertising Prize (PNP), whose registration ended on January 31, registered “a record” in terms of number of applications, compared to previous years, according the event organization.
According to the EME-Marketing & Eventos administrator, Maria Martins, in this edition of 2020, the organization received a total of 39 works only by Internet, with a strong increase in the radio area. The applications through the ‘website’ was an innovation this year. However, the company is still waiting for new jobs that may have been sent by mail.
“The jobs already booked were registered through the platform. However, as we have islands and we find that not all companies want to use this route to send jobs, we are still waiting for other jobs that may have been sent via post,” she said.
The first screening by the judges should take place in the second week of February. Creativity and originality as well as the contribution to the development of the Cabo Verdean advertising market are the factors being evaluated.

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