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Court fines driver for drunk-driving

  24 Février      27        Divers (1648),


Tarkwa (W/R), February 24, GNA-A Tarkwa District court two has fined a driver 660.00 Ghana cedis for drunk-driving.

George Kwadwo Nkansah was also charged for driving without a valid driver’s license and was convicted his own plea, he would serve one year in hard labour in default of paying the fine.

Prosecuting, Police Chief Inspector George Kwabena Osei told the court presided over by Madam Magdalene Thompson, that at about 0615 hours on February 2 this year, the convict was driving a Hyundai Tucson with registration number GR 8765-14 from Kawerekaananor towards Tarkwa market circle.

He said the Motor Traffic and Transport Department (MTTD) duty bearers were on the road conducting their regular vehicular and motor checks, saw the convict, and ordered Nkansah to stop, but he sped off.

The prosecution said the officers then chased the convict and arrested him, and detected that he had no valid driver’s license and was also drunk.

According to Chief Inspector Osei, when he decided to check Nkansah’s breath with the Breathalyzer at the Tarkwa Gold Fields Security check point and realized that it had exceeded the prescribed limit of 0.08 meters.

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