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Porto Novo / Ribeira das Patas: Group of women bet on the agri-food center to occupy unemployed head of the household

  21 Juillet      36        Agriculture (4151),


Porto Novo, Jul 21 (Inforpress) – A group of women heads of the household, in Lagoa and Catano, Ribeira das Patas, in the municipality of Porto Novo, decided to invest in the construction of an agri-food center, as a way to overcame the unemployment.
The unit to be located in Lagoa da Ribeira das Patas, is already being built by the group of women, which has the partnership of the City Hall of Porto Novo to materialize the project, according to Antónia da Luz, one of the beneficiaries.
In addition to the production of various juices, the women also intend to invest in the drying of fruits and commercialize tea (herbs), with a view to obtaining some income.
This is the second initiative launched in Ribeira das Patas by women, as a way to overcome the unemployment situation within the female layer in that locality, where a lot of mangoes and citrus fruits are produced, in addition to other fruits.
Since 2015, an agri-food center has been operating in the Cirio da Ribeira das Patas area, which started with the production of juices, dried fruits and tea, and then started producing cookies, liqueurs, sweets and nectars.

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