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Churches in Sandema resume full operations

  2 Août      46        Société (45230),


Sandema (U/E) Aug 2, GNA –Churches at Sandema in the Builsa North District of the Upper East Region on Sunday resumed full services with strict adherence to the COVID-19 protocols.
This was possible after President Akufo-Addo in his 14th address to the nation eased restrictions on church activities.
The Ghana News Agency’s (GNA) visit to some churches in the District observed that all the Churches had ‘Veronica Buckets’ placed at vantage points on their premises, while temperatures and names of worshippers were written before they were allowed entry into church buildings.
At the Christ the King Catholic Church, there were posters on entrances to the church, and names of congregants were taken, as they were directed to wash their hands.
Reverend Father Sebastian Aduko, the Parish Priest of the Church, in an interview with the GNA said “As Catholics, we are partners in development with the government, and we have taken everything into detail. As you can see, we have registration of church members ongoing and they are checking temperatures of members.
“We have the ‘Veronica Buckets’ there and we are observing the social distancing, and everybody is wearing a face mask. So for us, we have no problem.”
He condemned any lackadaisical attitude of members of the public on the relaxation of the protocols, adding that, “let us be serious, cooperate, with God, He will see us through.”
Reverend Father Aduko said the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic was a great lesson for Ghanaians to reflect on, “We are the same people, COVID-19 has taught us a lesson, we should respect each other and be one another’s keeper.”
At the Emmanuel Temple of the Assemblies of God (AG) Church, at Bilinsa, a community in the District, the COVID-19 protocols were strictly observed as in the rest of the Churches visited, it was also observed that the attitude of congregants usually dancing together in groups during praises was absent.
The Resident Pastor, Reverend Albert Adekaldu, said they had been observing all the directives and protocols to ensure that church members were safe and worshipped God in good health and strength.
Generally, the GNA observed that the Sandema township was flooded with members of various churches in the early hours of the morning trooping to their places of worship.

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