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Old voters card still valid for transactions-EC

  5 Août      47        Politique (25417),


Accra, August 5, GNA-The old voters’ identity cards are still valid and individuals can use it for their transaction until the Electoral Commission finishes compiling the new voters’ register.

Mr Samuel Tettey, Deputy Chairman in Charge of Operations at the Commission who told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in an interview said the Commission normally shares data with some institutions including banks to enable them to verify the authenticity of cards presented to them as part of transactions.

“As soon as we are done with the current registration and the register is compiled and it is legitimized by the court, the old card becomes invalid,” he said.

Mr Tettey said applicants who have successfully registered and gotten their card could only use it to vouch for a prospective applicant they were familiar with but not to transact business.

“As our major stakeholders, the Commission will communicate accordingly when the process is done and when the new card becomes operational,” he said.

Mr Tettey said the card aside from its use for voting, also serves as an identification card to support financial transactions and filling different application forms.

The GNA gathered that some individuals after securing their cards decided to use it to transact business but was refused by those institutions.

An official at a bank located in the Ministries who pleaded on anonymity told GNA that some clients presented their new card but the bank rejected it because it did not have the data to rectify its authenticity.

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