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Citizens must be collaborators in reducing road accidents

  23 Août      39        Société (45239),


Hohoe (V/R), Aug. 23, GNA – Apostle Dr. Ernest N. Adulai, Head Pastor of the Revival Assemblies of God Church, has called on citizens to support efforts from government and other stakeholders towards reducing road accidents in the country.
He said citizens should report to the authority problems they encountered plying the road that endangered their lives for the necessary actions to be taken.
Apostle Adulai said this, when he visited a segment of the Hohoe to Fodome road, where a cave-in culvert was left unattended to and posed danger to lives.
“I was travelling on this road one evening and when I got to the spot, all I could see was this caved-in-culvert in the middle of the road and there was an approaching car from the opposite direction, meaning I was going to land into it but for my patience.”
He said although the construction firm had marked the area with a ‘caution’ tape, it did not reflect during the night to warn motorists, adding that nobody should wait till lives were lost before actions were taken.
The Head Pastor called on the contractor to take up the issue as an emergency and rectify it.
“We bought a reflector as our small way of preventing accidents by signalling drivers about the danger as the contractor works on rectifying the problem,” he said.
Residents of Fodome Kordzeto called on drivers to observe speed limits, while the contractor resolved the problem.
Mr. Clement Mensah Anane, a Manager at the Construction firm, said the firm was aware of the problem and steps were being advanced to work on it as soon as possible.

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