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A Ponte Association marks World Suicide Prevention Day with lighting candle ceremony in all municipalities

  10 Septembre      45        Société (45213),


Praia, 10 Sep (Inforpress) – The Association for the Promotion of Mental Health (A Ponte), marks today, in all counties in the country, the World Suicide Prevention Day, with lighting candles ceremony.
The initiative has the collaboration of the National Institute of Public Health and health stations, aims, according to the vice president of A Ponte Association, Margarida Cardoso, to light candles in memory of the victims of suicide and in support to people and families who are facing this problem.
The activity, which is marked under the theme “Working together to prevent suicide”, will take place in the City of Praia, in Pracinha da Escola Grande, around 7:30 pm, in order to raise awareness on suicide in the country, it is the leading cause of death from external causes, around fifty deaths per year.
This fact was at the origin of the creation of the A Ponte Association, which, according to Margarida Cardoso, in statements to Inforpress, has the mission of helping people with suicidal ideas and working on prevention.

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