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São Vicente: Coastal fishing studies will give more responsibility to the sector’s players – Responsible

  17 Septembre      41        Agriculture (4151),


Mindelo, Sep 17 (Inforpress) – The São Vicente Island receives between Tuesday and Wednesday the socialization workshop of studies and reports carried out in the context of the Coastal Fishing Initiative (IPC), which intend to give “more responsibility” to the sector’s players.
A guarantee given by the Director-General of Marine Resources, Albertino Martins, for whom the idea is to use these results, which are being observed in the two target communities, São Pedro, in São Vicente, and Island of Maio and replicate to the fishing communities in Cabo Verde to achieve “greater success” in fisheries management and national fisheries resources.
“These are results related to the perception and acceptance, for example, of fisheries joint management in Cabo Verde, which is something relatively new.
The idea, therefore, is the modernization of the sector and joint management, which is an important tool”, stated the responsible, adding that this helps to give “greater responsibility” to the fishing players.
During the workshop, which started this Tuesday afternoon, at the facilities of the Institute of Marine Research (Imar), in Mindelo, the results of the legal framework for fisheries, which is being modernized, will also be shared, “so that the measures are monitored in order to obtain the results for which they were created”.

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