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Public urged to seek early treatment for childhood cancers

  10 Octobre      34        Santé (15398),


By Agbaxode Emmanuel, GNA

Akatsi (V/R), Oct. 10, GNA-Prospective Akatsi Olives Lion Club, an international service organization, has called on the public to support advocacy campaigns to improve the increasing trend of childhood cancers.

The Club, which focuses on community projects, often supports children through scholarships, recreation and mentoring.

Dr Karikari Bonsu, the Medical Superintendent at the Akatsi District Hospital, called on parents to report early signs of childhood cancer to the nearest health facility.

He made this known in a media encounter with members of the Club during their « month-long awareness creation on childhood cancers. »

Dr Bonsu urged parents to report any abnormality on their children to the nearest health facility.

Dr Bonsu said signs of cancers in children include abnormal enlargement of the eye, red eye, joint or bone pains, and abnormal behaviours, among others.

He said the only way children could survive childhood cancer is through early detection of the disease by the parents and their ability to bring them to the hospital on time.

He also advised parents to desist from self-medication for their children when they feel unwell.

« Parents should not buy drugs without a doctor’s prescription, » Dr Bonsu cautioned.

Madam Abigail Naki Gabor, the Akatsi Chapter President of Lions Club, called on individuals and corporate institutions to support the Club’s activities to promote sustainable and healthy society devoid of cancers.

Mr Bright Xorvey Ahadzi, Secretary to the Club, said the Club initiated several social intervention programmes to equip the youths to achieve their goals.

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