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Private Pre-Tertiary education institutions cautioned against re-opening of schools

  14 Octobre      31        Education (7149),


Accra, Oct.14, GNA-The National Schools Inspectorate Authority has cautioned private Pre-Tertiary Education Institutions (PTEIs) to stop offering in-person vacation classes to learners other than JHS 2 and SHS 2 students/International Curricula equivalents with immediate effect.
The Authority said any PTEI which failed to adhere to the directives would be made to shut down indefinitely.
A statement from the Authority signed by its Executive Director and Inspector-General of Schools, Dr Haggar Hilda Ampadu, and copied to the Ghana News Agency said during a recent monitoring of activities, it came to their notice that some PTEIs, had reopened schools for in-person classes for learners in lower primary to Senior High School.
The action, it said was a breach of the President’s directive, which said “only SHS 2 and JHS 2 students had to return to school from October 5 to December 14, 2020 to complete their academic year.
The directive also stated that a decision had been reached to postpone the remainder of the academic year for all nursery, kindergarten, primary, and JHS 1 and SHS 1 students for the next academic year to resume in January 2021, with appropriate adjustments made to the curriculum, to ensure that nothing was lost from the previous year.
The statement encouraged parents not to send their wards who were not in JHS 2 or SHS 2, or their international curricula to school until otherwise indicated by the President.
It also urged the public to be vigilant and report any instances of PTEIs breaching the President’s directive to the Authority for the necessary action to be taken.

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