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GES begins accountability for learning project in West Akim

  17 Décembre      31        Education (7153),


Asamankese, Dec 17, GNA-The Ghana Education Service (GES) has organized a week-long workshop on Ghana Accountability for Learning Outcome Project (GALOP) for teachers at Asamankese in the West Akyem Municipality.
The project aims at improving quality of education in low performing basic schools and strengthening education sector equity and accountability.
It is targeting at least, 10,000 least performing basic schools including; kindergarten and all special schools in Ghana.
Mrs Eunice Amfo-Akonnor, West Akim District Director of Education, said 15 schools from the municipality were selected to attend the workshop focused on Mathematics and English subjects.
She explained that two subjects were selected to help improve teaching skills of teachers who would in turn improve learning skills of students to equip them towards better performance in other subjects.
An amount of $218.7 million is being pumped into the project by the World Bank, Department for International Development (DFID) and Global Partnership for Education (GPE).

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