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Five Health Facilities Get Huge Medical Supplies,, Generators In Bassa District 5

  8 Février      51        Santé (15405),


BUCHANAN, Feb. 6 (LINA) – Joy overwhelmed residents and the Management Teams of six medical facilities in Grand Bassa Electoral District Five when the GBOKPAYU Foundation turned over several medical items and two Generators to them.

GBOKPAYU Foundation is a humanitarian institution that was established since 2016 under the leadership of Mr. Thomas Alexander Goshua, prior to winning the district five Legislative post and also aided citizens of the District and Grand Bassa County.

The items worth over US$5,000 were presented to the District Health Officer, Chris Quoih by the wife of the Electoral District five Representative, Madam Vera Goshua in the District.

Rep. Thomas Alexander Goshua’s wife revealed during the weekend that the donation was in response to challenges at the medical facilities, adding the health needs of the citizens is a priority under the leadership of her husband.

The 26 cartoons of essential drugs are meant for the clinics in Little Kola, Ceegbah, Compound #4, John Dean Town, Zondo and Palm Bay, while the Generators are intended to enhance electricity supply at the Ceegbar and Compound #4 clinics.

She named Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, and variety of fluids, Paracetamol, worm medicine, needles and syringes, among others. As part of the consignment/

« The drugs were purchased in consultation with the Grand Bassa County Health Team for the selection of quality and most needed ones, » Mrs. Goshua said.

According to Health record, 36,596 residents will benefit from the donation in the District’s 14 Clans.

The Statutory District Superintendent, Matthew Yarweh and other top health practitioners joined the District Health Officer, Christopher D. Quoih, in expressing gratitude to the GBOKPAYU Foundation and the Bassa Lawmaker for his continuous support to citizens through health and other development works.

They referenced past medical supplies made available by the Bassa Legislative Caucus Chairman Goshua through the same Foundation and also in his capacity as Legislator.

« National government is supportive of the public health system, while the effort of the Representative is buttressing the government to ensure lasting solution to the limited drugs situation »; stated the District Health Officer Quoih who said the consignment will last over three months.

Specifically, the Statutory Superintendent, Matthew Yarweh and the Palm Bay Clinic Officer-in-Charge, Perry Dolo said such intervention will ease most of the critical health problems confronting their facilities.

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