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As Consumers Demand for Quality Network Services… Information Minister proffers 90 days for sim registrations

  30 Mars      24        Politique (25424),


(SLENA, 30th March, 2021). The Minister of Information and Communications, Honourable Mohamed Rahman Swaray has given 90 days to all mobile phone companies to register their sim cards and provide improved telecom services to the public.
Minister Swaray made the pronouncement while officially opening the meeting of the National Telecommunication Commission (NATCOM) led initiative called Consumer parliament in Bo.
The Consumer’s Parliament is a national program annually organised by NATCOM bringing together Mobile Network Operators (Orange, Africell, Qcell & Sierratel) and internet service providers (ISP & ZOODLABS/TMT) to engage them on the quality of services they provide to citizens.
This created a space for consumers of telecom services and mobile operators to discuss services in a town hall format.
Minister Swaray called on consumers to express their views freely on the type of services they are getting whilst also admonishing all to use the internet responsibly so as not to cause harm to others.
Ambassador Joe C. Blell, Chairman of NATCOM called for improved services to consumers. He vowed to live up to expectations in his position as chairman of the country’s telecommunications regulator institution.
The various CEOs of the mobile companies separately made commitments to improve on their services, and promised to continue with their corporate social responsibilities in order to partake in the development of the country.

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