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LNP Sends To Court 4 Persons For Their Role In ‘Burning A Warehouse’ In Ganta

  29 Avril      18        Divers (1664),


GANTA, April 28 (LINA) – Authorities of the Liberia National Police (LNP) in Nimba County have arrested, charged and sent to court four persons in connection with the burning down of a popular warehouse in Ganta, Nimba County.


A popular warehouse located in the Fulton Dumbar Field Community around the ECOWAS parking station in Ganta was burnt down during the early morning hours of April 20, causing panic amongst residents of Ganta.


Some fled the city for fear that some members of the Mandingo ethnic group were” bringing war” in revenge of the ”marginalization” they usually experience over land ownership in Ganta and other parts of Nimba county.


The warehouse was burnt a day after the execution of an eviction order from the 8th Judicial Circuit Court over an acre of land situated in the Fulton Dumbar field community.


The parcel of land is said to be a property of Pastor Fred Suah, the Administrator of the Suah family’s properties in Ganta, but was taken by the Donzo and Kromah families shortly after the end of the 2003 civil war which caused many residents of Ganta to flee to other parts of the country and neighboring countries for refuge.


According to an investigation conducted by LINA, the Donzo and Kromah families have been illegally occupying the land since then, until Pastor Suah filed a lawsuit against them in 2016 and won the case after they (Donzos and Kormahs) could not provide documents to substantiate their ownership of the land.


Not being satisfied with the Circuit Court’s ruling, the two families took an appeal to the Supreme Court, but the Supreme Court ruled by default on grounds that the complainants had refused to show up for the case

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