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Cabo Verde hosts the 1st Olympic Congress of Lusophone and ACOLOP General Assembly

  10 Septembre      31        Politique (25424),


Praia, Sep 10  (Inforpress) – The 1st Olympic Congress of Lusophone (Portuguese-speaking countries) and the General Assembly of the Association of the Portuguese Speaking Olympic Committees (ACOLOP) takes place on 14 and 15 this month in the City of Praia and brings together representatives from the Olympic Committees, association members and experts.

According to information provided by the Cabo Verdean Olympic Committee (COC), this congress aims to create new strategic visions of the National Olympic Committees, focused on gender equality and diversity in sport, the placement of athletes in the Centre of the Olympic Movement and programs based on consortia and international funding.

Under the theme “For a joint approach to development through sport”, the Olympic Congress of Lusophone also has as main objective to trigger a regional movement that leads to the involvement of an increasing number of people in the principles and values of Olympism at the service of the development of sport and the country.

The Olympic Congresses are held to discuss the main sporting issues and appear to be a tradition coming from the origins of the Modern Olympic Movement (MO) when Pierre de Coubertin, 23 June 1894, during the first Olympic Congress held at the Sorbonne in Paris, triggered the founding of the International Olympic Committee.

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