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Earthquake strikes port city on Greek island of Crete

  27 Septembre      39        Société (45230),


Athens, Sept. 27, (dpa/GNA) – A magnitude-5.8 earthquake struck the port city of Iraklion on the Greek island of Crete early on Monday.

Many people fled from buildings into the streets, as seen on images broadcast on television.

The epicentre was some 20 kilometres south-east of the city, according to the Athens Geodymanic Institute.

The quake was felt on the entire island as well as others like Santorini, a popular holiday destination just north of Crete.

Witnesses spoke of damaged houses. Initially, no casualties or fatalities were reported.

Meanwhile, across the Aegean Sea in Turkey, the quake was felt along the coastline in the district of Datca.

While it caused panic, there were no reports of casualties, the Hurriyet daily reported.

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