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CDC County Chairpersons Inducted At Gbarnga Retreat

  20 Septembre      58        Politique (25426),


GBARNGA, Sept. 16 (LINA) – The ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), through its Party Chairman, Mulbah Morlu, on Friday inducted several officials, including County Chairpersons, Youth Wing Chair and Women Head as well as other auxiliaries.

The induction is aimed at getting officials at the county level for total mobilization in recruiting partisans for the reelection victory of President George Manneh Weah come November 2023 presidential and general elections.

At the same, the party’s Vice Chair for Operation, Thomas Panga Fallah, has begun nominating individuals who will be inducted to serve at the zonal level prior to the 2023 elections.

Speaking at the retreat Friday, CDC National Party Chairman, Mulbah Morlu, admonished partisans to take responsibility of gatherings that will always be held in their respective counties across Liberia.

He said this is a sign of dignity and responsibility also bestowed upon the officials following their induction

At the same time, Chairman Morlu has urged Montserrado County District Five Representative, Thomas P. Fallah, to render support to females’ election in the ensuing 2023 general and presidential polls.

He branded the ruling establishment as « a non-violent party, » and made a passionate plea to party members to take full responsibility of their party.

« CDC is a non-violent political party because President George Manneh Weah, who heads the country, is a peaceful parson, » he added.

Chairman Morlu further disclosed that a grievance committee will be setup to afford everyone “a golden opportunity” to channel their grievances.

He noted that the committee will also be charged with the responsibility to find amicable solutions to issues that may be raised.

He wants the party be properly managed by all partisans as in 2017 Liberians stood in the sun and rain to elect a footballer who have put the country on the world map by impacting the lives of his people back home and abroad.

« There have been more progress from 2018 to present, including free tuition schools, building of roads, hospitals, among others, » he added.

The Party Chairman described President Weah’s re-election as « a political and democratic mandate » that will raise a seed of the masses come 2023.

He mentioned, that in December of this year, there would be huge political turnout in all parts of the country arranged according to region with the exception of Nimba County that will host her own program.

Chairman Morlu added that the US CDCians will gather in one of the States to join the new strategies that will give massive victory to the ruling party in 2023.

Meanwhile, responding on behalf of his colleagues, Montserrado County Party Chairman assured the party that as County Chairpersons, they will work tirelessly to mobilize party members and perfectly coordinate the affairs of the party in their respective counties for the re-election of President George Manneh Weah.

For his part, CDC Vice Chairman for Operation, Thomas P. Fallah, said women will be given fifty percent election, adding, that working with the females, the presence of CDC will be felt in the 15 political sub-divisions of the country in December this year.

Fallah then emphasized two cardinal responsibilities that will be implemented by his leadership during the December event.

He pointed out the official nomination of Vice President Jewell Howard-Taylor as one, and the application of new strategies that will lead the party to a resounding victory in 2023, as the second.

The 2022 retreat brought together thousands of CDC partisans, including women and youths, from across the country held under the banner: « Re-election Strategy, Celebrating 5 years Of Progressive Development Gains. »

Sylvester W. Korwor, Bong County Correspondent

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