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Morocco’s Actions on Migration Under HM the King’s Leadership Highlighted in Addis Ababa

  23 Mai      4        Society (33468),


Addis Ababa, 23/05/2024 (MAP) – Morocco’s actions under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI on migration were highlighted on Thursday in Addis Ababa at the celebration of Arab Expatriates Day.

Speaking at the Moroccan Embassy’s celebration of Arab Expatriate Day, the Kingdom’s Ambassador to Ethiopia, Nezha Alaoui M’Hammdi, stressed that the Kingdom, under the enlightened leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, is sparing no effort, since the Sovereign was designated Leader on the issue of Migration by the 28th Summit of the African Union, to defend the interests of Arab and African countries on the issue of migration and migrants throughout the world by advocating a clear agenda and a forward-looking vision of the migration phenomenon.

In this respect, the diplomat, also President of the Council of Arab Ambassadors in Ethiopia, stressed the Kingdom’s efforts in Africa by highlighting the creation in Rabat of the African Migration Observatory as an institution of the African Union and the Rabat Declaration issued at the end of the Rabat Forum on reducing the cost of remittances from the African diaspora, organized in Morocco.

All these initiatives, noted the Moroccan diplomat, are aimed at reconciling the interests of countries of origin and destination, and opting for a development approach for all.

At Arab level, the pioneering role played by Morocco under the leadership of His Majesty the King in the field of migration has been hailed on numerous occasions, noted Alaoui M’Hammdi, highlighting the Kingdom’s respect for its commitments in this area despite « the challenges faced by our countries in managing human flows due to their geographical situation. »

Morocco’s role in the fight against illegal immigration, dismantling human trafficking networks and integrating illegal immigrants has also been hailed at regional and international level.

The Moroccan diplomat noted that migration is a cross-border phenomenon and, consequently, no country, whether of origin, transit or destination, can resolve the migration issue alone, pleading in this sense for a global methodology to take advantage of migration in order to achieve an equation that brings peace, security and stability to countries, societies and migrants.

On a global scale, and in line with the requirements of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, signed in Marrakech in 2018, Arab countries are called upon to redouble their efforts to implement the ambitious requirements that have been set out in this Compact, added Alaoui M’Hammdi.

Migration, if well managed, can make a significant contribution to the global and sustainable development of both countries of origin and destination.

The celebration of Arab Expatriate Day was marked by the participation of the Arab League, the Arab Diplomatic Corps accredited in Addis Ababa, Ethiopian officials, representatives of the UN system, members of the Arab diaspora along with other personalities.

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