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House Elects Rep. Koffa Deputy Speaker

  13 Janvier      51        Politique (25467),


MONROVIA, Jan. 12 (LINA) – Members of the House of Representatives Tuesday unanimously voted Grand Kru County District #2 Representative, Cllr. Jonathan Fonati Koffa, as Deputy Speaker for the next three years.

Koffa, who served as Chairman on Judiciary, was overwhelmingly elected with 45 votes over his Lofa County colleague Clarence Massaquoi, who accumulated 20 votes and Moima Briggs Mensah of Bong County with two votes.

The vacancy was created in the lower House as a result of the election of former Deputy Speaker Prince Moye as Senator of Bong County in the just-ended December 8, 2020 mid-term election.

The process, which began with nomination of candidates, ensue with three names contesting (J. Fonati Kofa of Grand Kru County; Moima Briggs Mensah of Bong County and Clarence Massaquoi of Lofa County).

Upon his election, followed by induction, members of the 54th Legislature congratulated Hon. Koffa, and encouraged him to prioritize the interest of the country over individual interest.

According to some members of the 54th Legislature, Rep. Koffa is “a people- centered person who cuts across all divides.

They averred that with Koffa assuming such role, the 54th Legislature is set to propagate the agenda of the Liberian people.

In his acceptance speech, Deputy Speaker Koffa thanked his colleagues for reposing confidence in him, and added that “it is now time for the people’s work to be done.”

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