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Judge Kontoe Vows To Ensure Justice In Bong County

  12 Août      48        Justice (1672),


GBARNGA, Aug. 11 (LINA) – The newly-assigned Judge at the 9th Judicial Circuit Court in Gbarnga, Bong County, Cllr. J. Boima Kontoe, has vowed to ensure transparency in the judicial system in the county.

Speaking in Gbarnga Monday at the formal opening of the August AD 2020 Term of Court, Judge Kontoe said if judges adopt professionalism in executing fair justice during trials, it will help to advance the « course of justice » in the county.

In his charge, the 9th Judicial Circuit Court Judge disclosed that the first Monday of every month will be used to conduct hearing in cases related to the Gbarnga City Corporation (GCC), with a call on to Gbarnga City Mayor Lucia Herbert to take advantage of the Gbarnga City Court to buttress the corporation.

He admonished state prosecutors, including magistrates and court clerks, to commit themselves to duty and be in office not later than eight in the morning, noting that this will enable the public to gain access to justice.

Judge Kontoe pointed out that while judges are being mandated to report to work on time, they should also consider staying late on the job anytime the need arises in order to execute the court’s mandate, thereby helping to reduce the number of pre-trial detainees in prisons in the county.

Responding to the charge of the newly-assigned Judge, the Dean of the local Bar, who also serves as Bong County Attorney, Cllr. Jonathan N. Flomo, described the reintroduction of plea bargaining by Judge Kontoe as « the surest way of disposing of cases » at the court once the defendant admits to commission of a crime.

Cllr. Flomo then pledged his commitment to work along with the administration of Judge

Kontoe in order to ensure that justice is dispensed adequately to the public.

In her remarks at the opening of the court, Bong County Superintendent, Madam Esther Yamah Walker, noted that significant improvement has been made in the judicial system of the county.

According to Madam Walker, magistrates across the county have fully collaborated with her office to reduce the number of complaints, including land disputes, coming to her desk from various districts.

She noted that the collaboration has also helped the local government, including the Joint Security to be free of tension.

The August AD 2020 Term of Court is expected to last for 42 days with the adjudication of several cases on the court’s docket, including civil and criminal offenses.

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