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São Vicente: International meeting on artistic education brings together more than 30 national and international researchers

  30 Septembre      35        Arts & Cultures (3115), Evénements (534),


Praia, Sep 29 (Inforpress) – The city of Mindelo hosts between October 4 and 6 the 7th International Meeting on Artistic Education, which should bring together more than 30 national and international researchers to develop strategies for this matter.
As the organization announced in a press conference today in Mindelo, the meeting on artistic education returns to São Vicente, where it had its first edition in 2010, after having passed through other countries such as Portugal and Brazil.
During these seven years, it has brought together several researchers who want to “stimulate and contribute to the restructuring processes of the desired artistic education in Cabo Verde and Mozambique,” according to Rita Raínho, a researcher at the Institute for Research in Art, Design and Society (i2ADS), which is the promoter of the event.
“The field of artistic education has been very complex nowadays and, both here in Cabo Verde and Mozambique, there is a history, a process and a journey that needs to be known, systematized and valued,” said the same source, for whom this knowledge allows us to understand the present and define the future of artistic education in both countries.

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