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Bernard Ekow Aggrey Initiative Launched in Takoradi

  9 Janvier      65        Société (45204),


By P K.Yankey GNA

Takoradi(W/R),Jan. 09, GNA-The Bernard Ekow Aggrey (BEA) life changing Initiative, has been launched in Takoradi with an appeal to public spirited organizations and individuals to assist the initiative grow.

The Initiative covers four thematic areas such as Project One Thousand, Make A Life Foundation, Royal Theater and Xyzlex Dealings all envisioned to win souls for Christ Jesus through charitable evangelism and theatrical performance.

The initiative, which is in its third year, has completed many projects and assisted the needy especially vulnerable children in identified communities.

Founder of the Initiative, Mr. Bernard Ekow Aggrey at the official launch of the Initiative in Takoradi said the Foundation had outlined activities such as outreach programmes, Alms-Giving, Soul Winning and Discipleship.

Mr. Aggrey mentioned the Sankor charity visit and evangelism, the Aprapranso charity visit, evangelism and pavilion building the Sunday school as some of the activities of the initiative.

Other activities included a visit to the Sekondi School for Autistic children, the Sekondi female prisons visit and evangelism, the Effia Nkwanta children’s ward visit as well as feeding the vulnerable on the street.

At Angu, the initiative embarked on an outreach programme where he distributed food items to deprived children.

At Amanful, he made a donation of Personal Protective Equipment to people at Sekondi while he was engaged in street preaching and evangelism.
Mr. Aggrey said the Foundation was duty-bound to support children in its outreach programme through education and health, community visits and assistance.
The Founder of the Initiative advised the youth to be focused and pursue their goals and dreams in life.

He observed that through its royal theater performance, talents were being nurtured on stage.

The Presiding Member at the Effia Kwesiminstim Municipal Assembly (EKMA), Mr John Davies said he would link Mr Aggrey up with members of the Assembly during meetings to make him more marketable.

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