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Christian Council urges member Churches to enforce COVID-19 protocols

  7 Février      31        Société (45194),


Ho, Feb. 7, GNA – Member Churches of the Christian Council of Ghana have been entreated to continue enforcing the letter the COVID-19 protocols relating to attendance of church services.
They are to ensure that members wear their nose masks, wash their hands under running water with soap and use hand sanitisers before entering the chapels.
This was contained in a pastoral letter by the Council dated February 7 this year, and addressed to all member churches.
The letter, which was signed by Most Rev. Dr Paul K. Buafo, Chairman of the Council and Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church of Ghana, headed, « Clarification and adherence of the President’s directive on COVID-19. »
The letter appealed to all churches to stick to the two-hour duration service as directed by the President.
It said while marriages and burial services, which were held in chapels were permitted, they were to be held under « strict safety COVID-19 protocols. »
The letter reminded members that burial or interment itself should be private with a limited number of 25 people.
It also reminded them that receptions, parties, dancing and other social gatherings associated with marriages and burials have been banned until further notice.
The letter said, « As we have done with distinction in the past, we urge all Churches and Church leaders to adhere strictly to the COVID-19 protocols outlined in the President’s last address to the nation to help curb the spread of the virus.
“Any Church that fails to comply with the protocols will be closed down and the leaders sanctioned according to law. »
President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo on January 31, this year in his address to the nation on the upsurge of the coronavirus, placed restrictions on some activities, including weddings and other social gatherings.

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