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Fogo: Rehabilitation works in the Cova Figueira/Casinha road section setting for next week – Mayor

  15 Novembre      32        Société (45213),


Praia, Nov 14 (Inforpress) – Rehabilitation works in the Cova Figueira / Casinha road section in the municipality of Santa Catarina do Fogo will be consigned to the Semico company, winner of the public tender, next week.

The information was advanced by the Mayor of Santa Catarina do Fogo, Alberto Nunes, who also pointed out that all barriers related to the rehabilitation of this road section have already been overcome.

He said that the contract will be signed next Monday, 18th, in the city of Cova Figueira, and the works should start from Cova Figueira towards the coast.

Funding was provided through the Tourism Fund, worth about 24.5 million escudos, and the road is classified by the mayor as “capital importance” for this tourist and fishing area, as the objective is to invest in areas that have economic value and create better conditions for people to earn income, create jobs and fight poverty.

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