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GFA to reduce number of division one league clubs

  14 Mai      52        Sport (12761),


Accra, May 14, GNA – The Executive Council of the Ghana Football Association (GFA) has taken a decision to form a five- member committee for the implementation of the transitional provision on the number of participating clubs in the National Division One League.

The decision to set up the advisory committee is in compliance with Article 81(6) of the GFA Statutes 2019.

Article 81(6) of the GFA statutes states as follows: “The number of delegates representing the Division One League shall be reduced to 18 (down from the current 48) at the latest by the end of the second football season following the adoption of these Statues.”

The five-member committee will be made up of three persons nominated by the Division One League Clubs and two persons from the GFA.

This five-member ad-hoc committee would advise the Executive Council on the format, the possible name of the new 18-club Division One League, the phases of the implementation, whether or not a third-tier League will be required and its format.

Though the implementation is after two seasons, the Executive Council wants to start the process in time so that the engagement and consultations will be extensive.

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