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GTA welcomes progress on Bonwire Kente Museum project

  14 Juillet      13        Société (45204),


Bonwire (Ash), July 14, GNA – Mr. Akwasi Agyemang, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA), has commended Messrs Precise Company Limited, contractors working on the Bonwire Kente Museum project for the commitment to duty.

“We are hoping the project will be finished as scheduled in October, this year, to serve its noble purposes,” he noted.

The project, which commenced in the latter part of 2020, is meant to promote tourism by telling the history of the iconic kente cloth and its importance to the socio-cultural and economic development of the country.

Mr. Agyemang, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Kumasi, after he had inspected the project, said the uniqueness of the cloth ought to be preserved, and therefore, the GTA would keenly monitor the project for its successful execution.

The iconic cloth continued to be associated with wealth, high social status and cultural sophistication, according to the CEO, saying the Museum would help add up to the gains by the GTA in recent times.

“Kente is more than just a cloth. It is an iconic visual representation of the history, philosophy, ethics, oral literature, religious beliefs and social values of the people,” he told the GNA.

The Museum is a government initiative, and the first of its kind in the country, to serve as a hub for all the kente varieties.

According to the contractors, about 50 per cent of work on the project had been executed.

On completion, the facility would have a showroom, offices, washrooms and other ancillary facilities.

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