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ICIEG and Sol Atlântico together to train women with professional drivers licence

  27 Mai      14        Société (45214),


Praia, May 27 (Inforpress) – ICEG and Sol Atlântico joined this Tuesday, through the agreement signing to train women with a professional drivers licence to work on the buses of the public transport company operating in the municipality of Praia.
The president of the Cabo Verdean Institute of Gender Equality and Equity (ICIEG), Rosana Almeida, explained to Inforpress the agreement aims to fulfill a dream of many women to be professional drivers and prepare them for greater care for users who may be disabled, old and pregnant.
“A lot of institution has been looking for ICIEG to help them implement gender equality policy in companies. This time it was Sol Atlântico, which was totally open in promoting training for professional drivers”, he said.
According to Rosana Almeida, twenty women were chosen, 18 of which will be awarded category D of the driving license and certificates of competence for drivers and two with the training for supervisor.

Dans la même catégorie