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INE launches IV survey on family expenses and revenues to assess poverty level in Cabo Verde

  14 Avril      52        Economie (21106), Santé (15409), social (722),


Praia, Apr 14 (Inforpress) – The National Institute of Statistics (INE) launched in Praia, the IV survey on family expenses and revenues 2022 project, to assess and measure the profile of poverty in the country, after the pandemic of COVID-19.

The vice president of the INE, Fernando Rocha, said, in statements to the press, that this statistical operation at the level of the National Statistical System has “great objectives”, namely to determine poverty in its entire dimension extreme and absolute poverty.

Another objective is to evaluate and measure the profile of poverty in the country in the pandemic context in which the world and Cabo Verde live, and pointed out the need to have indicators to assess the extent to which Cabo Verdean families suffered from the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fernando Rocha stressed, on the other hand, one of the Government’s goals, to end extreme poverty and reduce absolute poverty, so he stressed, this is one of the operations that will allow “to give this answer”.

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