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Kwahu East trains 150 health volunteers

  2 Juin      64        Santé (15398), Société (45223),


Abetifi (E/R), June 2, GNA – The Ghana Health Service, in collaboration with the Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana, has trained 150 health volunteers for the Kwahu East District.

The Japanese Organisation for International Cooperation in Family Planning also supported the training.

The volunteers are to work with the Community Health Nurses in the District to ensure that mothers do not default in their routine visits to health facilities to ensure they have access to quality healthcare services.

Ms Vida Efua Afful, the District Director of Health Services, at the closing ceremony, advised parents to ensure their children under-five were immunized against preventable diseases such as tuberculosis and polio.

She advised mothers to take advantage of child healthcare services in public health facilities near them to help monitor the health and growth of their children.

Ms Afful advised lactating mothers and pregnant women to sleep under mosquito treated nets to prevent them from getting malaria.



June 2, 2018

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