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Let’s unite our efforts to bring development –DCE

  4 Juillet      75        Politique (25493),


By Gideon Ebbah, GNA

Effiduase (Ash), July 04 GNA – Madam Mary Boatemaa Marfo, Sekyere East District Chief Executive (DCE), has rallied assembly members and heads of department to unite their efforts to bring development to the area.

She said without unity of purpose, understanding and cooperation among all the key stakeholders, the drive towards transforming the living conditions of the people would struggle – it was going to be difficult to achieve socio-economic progress.

Madam Marfo was addressing an ordinary meeting of the assembly at Effiduase.

Health, education, roads, water and sanitation, had been made the major priorities on the development agenda of the Sekyere East Assembly.

The DCE reminded everybody to put the general good of the district ahead of any other consideration.

All should give strong backing to the implementation of the assembly’s development agenda.

Mr. Emmanuel Adjei Baafi, the Presiding Member, called on the assembly members to assist revenue collectors to collect all fees and rates due the assembly.

This was necessary to aid the assembly to undertake development projects in the communities.

He appealed to the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) to intensify its education campaign to aid citizens to actively participate in local governance.

Mr. Charles Attah-Mensah, the District Coordinating Director, announced that firm action would be taken to stop people from erecting structures on waterways.

He added that all unauthorized structures were going to be removed.


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