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Liberia, China Sign150 Million Yuan Agreement

  12 Février      51        Coopération (2285),


MONROVIA, Feb. 11 (LINA) – The Liberian and Chinese Governments have signed a 150 million Yuan (about US$23 million) agreement for Economic and Technical Cooperation between two countries

Speaking at the signing ceremony recently in Monrovia, Chinese Ambassador Ren Yisheng said this amount fully demonstrates China’s profound friendship with strong support to Liberia.

According to him, the aid is meant to be used for implementing projects to be agreed upon by both countries through friendly consultations, aiming at the promotion of peace, stability, prosperity and development of Liberia.

« Our cooperation based on the principle of equality, consultation, mutual respect and win-win is in conformity with the Belt and Road Initiative (B&R) as advocated by President Xi Jumping of China and the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD) as advocated by President George Manneh Weah of Liberia and serves the broad interests of our two governments and people’s, » he added.

Ambassador Ren noted that COVID-19 is raging across the world, posing a huge threat to the well-being and health safety of peoples of all countries.

He stressed that China highly appreciates the support tendered by the government of Liberia to China on testing and treatment of infected Chinese nationals working and living in Liberia.

He pinpointed that China was the first to offer assistance to Liberia in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic as well as during the outbreak of Ebola in 2014.

Ambassador Ren indicated that February 12 is the Chinese New Year and hoped “the Year of thr Ox which symbolizes courage, diligence and perseverance will bring us all good health, success and prosperity.”

He maintained that the Chinese side is ready to double its efforts to promote all-round cooperation with Liberia, especially in the areas of infrastructure, agriculture, public health, telecommunications, electricity, mining and people-to- people exchanges.

Meanwhile, Liberian Foreign Minister Dee-Maxwell S. Kemayah said the increment of 50 percent of the Economic Technical Cooperation between Liberia and China is a step in the right direction for the growth and development of the nation.

Minister Kemayah stated that this will go a long way to further strengthen the ties between the two countries to enhance economic and technical cooperation.

He noted that this is a significant boost of cooperation under the leadership of President Weah to transform Liberia.

He stressed that the total amount of 150 Yuan is the gratuitous aid provided by the Chinese Government to Liberia.

Minister Kemayah signed on behalf of the Liberian Government while the Chinese Ambassador Ren Yisheng signed on behalf of the Chinese Government.

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