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Makola Market fire still smoldering after three days

  8 Juillet      40        Société (45222),


By Samira Larbie, GNA

Accra, July 8, GNA – The Honkong building at the Makola Market in Accra is still smouldering after three days of firefighting.

On Wednesday, some officials of the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO), security personnel and officers of the Ghana National Service were seen at the scene of the fire still working to contain it as some traders struggled to retrieve a few wares and relocated.

The area has still been cordoned off by the Police.

The fire, which started around 0730 hours on Monday, has been brought under control after over 72 hours of firefighting.

Electrical power has been cut to the area to allow firefighters to continue with their work.

Most shops have also been closed with affected shop owners who were able to rescue a few items, relocating their wares.

Meanwhile, Trade Minister Alan Kyerematen, visited the scene and assured the traders that government would find means to alleviate their plight.

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