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Mawuku Afadzinu elected Board Member of International Table Tennis Federation

  9 Juin      33        Société (45230),


Accra, June 9, GNA- The President of Ghana Table Tennis Association (GTTA), Mr. Mawuko Afadzinu has been elected as a Board Member of the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF), the highest governing body of the sport.

This is the first time a Ghanaian has risen to the top IN world table tennis since Ghana joined the discipline in 1951.

He received the nod at the 2021 General Assembly of the African Table Tennis Federation held virtually on Saturday, June 5 due to Covid-19. Mr. Afadzinu was elected alongside seven other African table tennis leaders to serve for a period of four years.

This success chalked by him comes at a time when his administration successfully hosted the world junior and cadet championships in Ghana in 2019 for the first time in over a decade and also the setting up of a national table tennis training centre in Accra with a capacity of twenty-four table tennis boards.

Mr. Afadzinu said ‘’God willing, I will serve on the ITTF Board of Directors for the next four years. My primary role is to create opportunities for the table tennis fraternity and push the game to new horizons like never before.

“My three-prong strategy will be; understanding how the system works so that we can make it work for us, teaming up with the right folks to help us and getting it done quickly and well.”

Ghana would be participating in the world table tennis championships in Houston, USA in November this year.

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