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Minister Tweah Lauds ’Young Survivors’ Veterans For Monument Of An Icon

  20 Juillet      129        Politique (25484),


MONROVIA, July 19 (LINA) – Finance Minister Samuel Tweah has commended veterans of the Young Survivors Sporting Club of Clara Town for erecting a refurbished monument which he termed as a National Symbol.

Young Survivors football club was founded in the early 1980s in Clara Town and Doe Community, and was one of the Liberia Football Association (LFA) outstanding third division clubs that produced a lot of talented players like Philip G. Sayon, Emmanuel Harris, Varney Fahnbulleh, and George Manneh Weah and many others who contributed to the success of the club.

In 1985, Young Survivors was crowned champion of the LFA third division competition and after massive performance in the league, later got promotion to the first division, but unfortunately the Liberian civil war broke out, bringing to an end the club’s history-making run..

Speaking over the weekend in Clara Town at the unveiling ceremony of the refurbished monument of a sports icon, Minister Tweah extended gratitude to the Young Survivors veterans for standing with President George Weah by erecting a monument that demonstrates that they are « true and honest friends of the President.”

« I am excited to be here to join the Young Survivors veterans. We are unveiling the refurbished monument that was unveiled before and now we are doing it for the second time in a different form,” Tweah said.

He noted that, in as much as they all have come to celebrate and honor President Weah in this manner, equally so it is about the people of Young Survivors who have shown to the world that George Weah is a true friend to the Liberian people.

According to Minister Tweah, the man George Weah has been considered as one of the world’s living icons, like other great leaders of African descent.

He added that President Weah is not only noted as a sports icon, but also a humanitarian who made numerous contributions to humanity and the Liberian student community.

« When we were at the University of Liberia (UL), President Weah gave scholarships and donated learning materials to the students and also provided buses for the student community. All through his entire life, he has been giving back to the Liberian people.

“So, this is the reason you thought it wise to erect a monument in honor of his goodwill, and we need to celebrate him. I must commend you for being a true friend, » the Finance Minister said.

Meanwhile, Minister Tweah scorned individuals who provided disinformation to the Liberian people that 16 billion Liberian dollars had gone missing, calling on all such persons to come out and make public declaration that there was never a missing money in Liberia.

He added that they « lied » to the Liberian people and also the international partners.

« We as Liberians have to correct the lie in Doe community, Clara Town and everywhere in Liberia. Let the people of Liberia ask those that provided the disinformation to the public why did they have to lie on the President? » Tweah continued.

« As Minister Finance, I will write the Speaker of the National Legislature, the Senate Pro- Tempore, the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) and other relevant institutions, demanding that those that provided false information for public consumption, acknowledge to the Liberian people that no 16 billion was ever missing, and they need to document and accept this, so the Liberian people can hear it from their mouths and language, » Minister Tweah stressed.

He added that it would be necessary for those people who spread false information to the public to make an open declaration on the missing money because it has damaged the image of the country to the outside world.

« I went to lobby for money, and a senior president of broker international said, how will they give us money when our country is having a missing 16 billion saga? Mr. Minister, we want to help your country, but we are hearing about a whole container of money that is missing. I had to be fighting and explaining to them about this alleged missing money. I told them it was a lie and that no 16 billion dollar is missing in Liberia. Then later, they became to understand the entire missing money saga.

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