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Passenger service still active despite technical hitch- Deputy Railway Director

  31 Janvier      15        Société (45222),


Takoradi, Jan. 31, GNA -The Ghana Railway Company Limited (GRCL), has assured the public of active passenger services despite the technical hitch recorded on the passenger train enroute to Tarkwa.

The passenger train according to the Deputy Director, Dr Micheal Anyetei, had some of the coaches derailing on the Tarkwa-Tarkoradi rail line, due to a technical glitch on its break and luggage coach.

The incident, however, has not stopped the free rail services offered by the company after some renovation and rehabilitation works.

Dr Anyetei said the technical team was swift in fixing the problem to allow full operations to resume.

He urged the public to trust the company as it worked to reactivate the passenger service after twelve years of being defunct.

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