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Pres. Weah Nudges Liberians To Forget Past Woes, Forge New Partnership

  4 Janvier      63        Politique (25417), Société (45204),


By Prince S. Nagbe

Monrovia, Jan. 4 (LINA) – President George Manneh Weah has urged Liberians to forget teh naggings of the past, explore new frontiers, and forge new partnership of trust, patriotism and unity in moving the country forward as they enter the New Year.

The Liberian leader noted that as the country reflects on its past and looks towards the future, he hopes that Liberians will forge a new path in sustaining the peace, promoting unity amongst themselves, and utilizing every opportunity accorded them as they work collectively in building a better Liberia.

President Weah comment was contained in his message to the nation in the early morning hours of Tuesday, January 1, 2019 in observance of New Year Day at his church’s edifice on the Robertsfield highway.

He hoped that Liberians will begin the New Year with dynamism and a positive approach towards nation-building by choosing hope over fear, love over hate and peace over chaos.

« I am reminded time and time again, that we are a better people when we refuse to be pessimistic about the future, but rather remain hopeful that the end will be rewarding and beneficial for the common good of all Liberians, » President Weah emphasized.

According to him, as Liberians enter into the New Year and embark on a new journey in their quest for a prosperous nation, he would like to thank God for his blessings, protection and guidance upon them and to wish them a happy and prosperous New Year.

The Liberian Chief Executive noted that the year 2018 was one of new beginnings for his administration and the dawn of a new era for Liberia; a year filled with unmatched achievements, new sets of challenges and profound opportunities.

He, however, admitted that despite the huge tasks that confronted his government, it became successful in making Liberia a better place because of the fortitude, strength in unity, and the collective efforts of members of his governing team.

« We are stronger now than we were when we started; and I have no shadow of a doubt that our best days are ahead of us. I reckon that we were able to sail through the past year successfully because of your prayers, support and cooperation; and I’m looking forward to more of your involvement and engagement as we take on new responsibilities and cultivate solutions in addressing the challenges that lie ahead, » he said.

President Weah then used the occasion to commend international and development partners for their immense support to his government and the people of Liberia over the years, especially during the first year of his administration, and that he looks forward to a renewed and strengthened partnership as the country moves into 2019.


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